New Ebooks To Be Released By HealthCompare In An Effort To Continue To Educate Health Insurance Consumers

Orange, California (PRWEB) July 07, 2012

HealthCompare is a health insurance comparison site that is nationally recognized for their compassion for American consumers. They began their journey toward their reputation for understanding and caring when they consistently displayed a concern for site visitors to make the best health care decisions possible.

They posed probing questions to visitors encouraging them to discover as much as possible about their medical coverage needs. The questions covered topics such as past medical history, current medical needs, current financial capabilities, and more.

If answered, the site visitor would leave their site with a complete understanding of how to find a policy that was effective and affordable for them. Consumers shopping for health insurance should consider the following questions that HealthCompare posed on their site:

What are the consumers current health care needs? Do they currently require medication? Does the consumer have a pre-existing condition? Or are they seeking to start a family in the near future?

Does the financial state of the shopper allow for a lower deductible, thusly giving them a higher monthly premium? Or would having a high deductible (and therefore lower monthly premium) be more beneficial?

Is the consumers physician a factor? If they prefer to continue seeing their doctor of choice, HealthCompare helps them decide what policies allow that.

Are there any other health insurance options for the shopper, such as spouse or parent plan?

Once consumers get their quotes, HealthCompare then helps them narrow their decisions by prompting them to ask further questions, like:

How much will the policies being compared cost them from their pocket when considering deductibles, co-insurance, and co-pays?

Health insurance costs are much more involved than mere premiums and buyers must carefully consider all out of pocket expenses to understand what their policies will ultimately cost them.

However, HealthCompare did not stop there. They chose to continue educating American consumers through means like infographics.

Inforgraphics are aesthetically pleasing graphic images that use pictures and colors to depict complex data derived from scientific reports, demographics, case studies and more.

Such reports often bury the meaning of their results in difficult language causing the reader to get lost in their jargon. Seeing this inherent complexity in their industry, HealthCompare designed inforgraphics to help health insurance shoppers decipher the true meaning of the hardships that may be imposed by health insurance.

Some infographics they released are:

How To Find Affordable Health Insurance – Designed to help health insurance consumers find affordable health insurance

Buying Health Insurance – Designed to help todays health insurance shopper buy health insurance online

Finding Cheap Health Insurance – Created to educate consumers on the best ways to find cheap health insurance

What To Look For In Childrens Health Insurance – Designed to educate to help todays consumers ask the right questions about childrens health insurance

Find Health Insurance Online – Created to help health insurance shoppers to find effective health insurance online

Other graphics can be found here.

Evolving from infographics, HealthCompare has chosen ebooks to be their next avenue of education for the consumers of health insurance.

With the explosion of ereaders and ebooks coupled with their affordability and portability, more shoppers than ever are reading again. HealthCompare has seen this as an opportunity to reach more consumers than ever. Their series of ebooks will begin a weekly release in July, 2012. And consumers can look for titles that will guide them to make the right decision no matter what their stage in life.

About Health Compare: HealthCompare was launched in 2009 to work with brokers and carriers to help individuals and families easily research, compare, buy, and enroll in the right health insurance plan at the right price. Based in Orange, Calif., it delivers accurate, customized, health insurance quotes for the country’s diverse population.

Through a unique partnership with its sister company, CONEXIS, HealthCompare has the ability to quickly reach thousands of COBRA-qualifying consumers and provide them with COBRA alternatives at the moment they become eligible for COBRA benefits. This provides these consumers with an opportunity to enroll in individual or family plans and potentially save hundreds to thousands of dollars on COBRA premiums and, at the same time, rewards referring brokers with referral fee income for the life of each policy.

For more information, visit or call 888.748.5152.

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