Hidden Hearing Respond to Study of Biological Clocks and Suggest Alarm Clocks For Hard of Hearing

(PRWEB UK) 21 December 2012

Researchers from the Department of Neurology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, a teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School, have identified a gene called Period 1 that determines how easy it is for somebody to wake up in the mornings.

The gene varies in night and morning people and belongs to a number of genes that are responsible for all biological clocks and the rhythms of physiological changes in organisms.

People with hearing loss may find it additionally difficult to get up in the morning if they cant hear their alarm clock and dont want to sleep with their hearing aid in.

To help, Hidden Hearing stocks a range of amplified alarm clocks that are specifically designed for people with hearing loss and have a louder alarm as well as a shaker that can be placed under the pillow to add to its ability to stir someone. The alarm clocks range from